Ameriville for Victory Gardens

Marketing image for Ameriville opening at Victory Gardens in January.

I've been steadily working on shooting the season's marketing images for Victory Gardens Theater in Chicago. We've finished the second to last for the play Ameriville opening Jan 27.

It's been a labor of love for everyone involved including the actors who've braved cold wet pavement, masturbating upside down and drifting forgotten in a flooded world . Ameriveille will be an eye opening examination of whether we'd be ready for another Katrina somewhere in America.

I was inspired by German painter Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze's famous 1851 depiction of Washington Crossing the Deleware as a symbol of American perseverance and courage.

Retouching: Fred Muram
Assistant: Tim Blokel, Sarah Linder
Set design: Brynne Rinderknecht