Cheri Maples and her dog at a favorite place for meditation near her
home in Madison, Wisconsin.
A few months back, before all this snow I spent the day in Madison, WI with Cheri Maples, a ex-policewoman turned Buddhist monk and teacher. She founded the Center for Mindfulness & Justice and a follower of Buddihst monk and activist, Thich Nhat author of Being Peace. Cheri now teaches criminal justice personnel mindfulness techniques to better perform in their jobs.

Cover of February, 2011 O Magazine.
Photo: Ruven Afanador

Full version of the published portrait of Cheri Maples
Now weeks later, the same location is lovely as before and blanketed with snow.

This photo: Maureen Brady
Photo editor: Olivia Barr
Make up: Lindsey Williams
Assistant: Derick Smith