Yawn! I woke-up at 4:30am today to meet Energy BBDO at the side doors of the Art Institute of Chicago. I was shooting an print ad for the new Henri Cartier-Bresson and the Art of Paris show.

Clockwise bottom left: Neil Burger (digi-tec), Todd Hoffman (Sr. Art Director), Katie Rahn (Art Inst. Marketing),
Laura Ricardo (Art Buyer), Jessica Campbell (Art Director), Mike McQuade (Writer). Unseen is Alan Rovge (assistant)
This is the second occasion I've been asked to shoot an ad for the Art Institute recently. Both times I was honored to be considering the works of very influential artists in my life. Previously I created a magical ad for the Edward Hopper show.

Explaining my "vision" to Todd. Top secret!
Here are more production photos from our morning.

Me doing Neil's job. He can't bear to look.