The Spanish Dog and me freaking out in the quietude with my new tent
If I were a Midwestern state, I'd have to choose to be Wisconsin. It's home to some of the most stunning places you can get to in 1/2 days drive from my home. The rocky south,western part of the state is agricultural and hillier than you might expect. While Chicago was flooding from record rains, Molly and I escaped (most) of it's wrath by packing up the Subaru and went camping. We explored Ontario, WI, the Kickapoo River Valley and Wildcat Mountain State Park; Places I've wanted to visit for many years.

Wisconsin spares no expense on outdoor media buys.
There is a sizable Amish community there and they don't seem to care if you stare.
We took the dog on his first canoe trip down the Kickapoo River. It's boasted to be the world's most crooked river. The beagle can attest to that because I steered us into a tree and he fell in the water.

Just moments before the dog fell out
We hiked on some nice rugged trails and enjoyed the warm serenity of the forest.

These trees almost looked planted

Rescuing the the beast. He goes up, but not down.
The park had a fantastic grove of apple trees. There were at least 4 varieties to taste, and taste I did.

No special fx
Molly took her time and picked carefully for to make a Wisconsin wild apple pie.

How pastoral?
Before we left town, I had to stop in downtown Ontario and try on some hats.

Admit that you've always wanted to do this.