For ten years, Chicago's Collaboraction theater company has been producing their annual Sketchbook festival of short plays. It's a unique and dizzying night of live theater and musical performance that runs June 10-27 at the beloved Chopin Theater. This year see 20 plays (optionally) over 2 nights.
Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche- Devised by Andrew Hobgood
I've been an artistic associate member for many years as I contribute to marketing images for the company. I've gratefully made a lot of theater connections through our relationship and always look forward to working with them.
Tight curls today-by Jennifer Barclay
This years festival, more than ever, incorporates video and live music with performances by Nick Tremulis , Unicycle Loves You and DJ Miles Polaski.
What I'm looking for- by Brett C. Leonard