As writer Scott Tillitt tells it, Story Worldwide's business is focused on "...branded magazines, corporate newsletters, direct mail, annual reports, online campaigns, Web sites and the like."
I shot the inventor and founder of the frozen ice cream company, Dippin' Dots at their Kentucky factory for the cover of Compass, the UPS customer magazine. The story feature is about how UPS is able to ship these hyper-frozen morsels straight to your door without letting a single one
Speaking about their choice to work with me, Tillit explains that "...the creative director, had wanted a fun, tongue-in-cheek image and McAllister immediately thought of Truglia's humorous business portraits." (Business has been a little funny lately wouldn't you agree?)
The December 2008 issue of PDN also showed my work in an interview with Liz Miller-Gershfeld, Senior Art Buyer for Energy BBDO.